Cinema Cinema – My Sixties’ is an unusual collection of articles on cinema by a passionate cineaste who lived through those sprightly 1960’s. He has been relentlessly visiting cinema halls, film festival venues and film society screenings, and picking films – be they Indian or European- for their peculiar qualities. Each article on a specific film is incisive and yet more or less self-explanatory. The reader need not have previously watched the film in order to enjoy the article. Then, there are quite a few general write-ups, too. For instance, articles on realism in Indian cinema, portrayal of women on the screen, and films in integration. A Marathi heroine’s poignant autobiography has been highlighted by a special article. A section is devoted to the author’s pithy letters published in various journals. The contents are multi-faceted. The book should indeed provide delightful reading experience for the discerning reader.
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