Memory Remains is the story of the life of Avinash the protagonist, or Avi as he is fondly called by his loved ones. For want of anything better to do, Avi decides to go down memory lane & pen down all his memories: his early childhood days, education in IIT Bombay, journey to the US, the rather eventful stay in the US, eventual decision to come back, and life after that. Allow Avinash to take you along on the journey of his life. And, dont miss the dramatic end when the memoirs end up serving a completely different purpose. Memory Remains is essentially about life of an India techie in the US. It also has the backdrop of the eight years from 1995 to 2003, which were very interesting from a historical standpoint since they coincided with the rise of the internet, the dot com bubble of 2000, and life after that.
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