A simple difference..what lies between evolution and growth? What determines our happiness and our thirst for something more, something beyond the ‘normal’?
A labourer looses his job under a scheme that is so intertwined in the web of capitalism that there appears to be no escape. A professor and his students delve into the depths of understanding what makes life meaningful. This story will make you question your everyday engagements be it social, spiritual or political and ask what is it to be an integrated man.
About the author:
Maheshwar N. Sinha, from Ranchi, Jharkhand, India- writes both in Hindi and English. More than 50 short stories have been published in Hindi literary magazines, including a novel. In English language (short stories, articles, interview) have been also published in journals like Lalitamba, Hitavada, CLRI (print and online), ShabdAaweg Review, ZAKE and other online platforms. Also a Self taught Artist.
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