In Their Shoes… is a fiction book by Dipen Ambalia. It contains stories of 17 different characters and each story tries to visualise the world from their angle…So essentially, the book is about seeing the world by being in somebody else’s shoes… Normally, we buy a book to unwind ourselves by reading some humorous stuff, or to help ourselves by reading self-help books to get some fundas about life by some spiritual guru. Sometimes we read informational books to know certain facts of some event or a personality. In short, every book serves a purpose for which the author and publisher have spent so much time, money, and effort on a book. Similarly, Dipen started writing this book with the intention of “opening the eyes” of people to the “ordinary” people around us. In other words, he wants to bring about a social transformation with his book. It might sound like a lofty statement, but that is his goal and the truth! Read the book and let him know if he has succeeded in it or not!
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