This is a fiction novel based on the backdrop of the IT sector in India. The main characters of the story-line, who are employees of an IT firm, are caught in the midst of a murder case of a female co-employee. The story is narrated in a series of flashbacks and present scenes giving a clear idea of the happenings around all the people involved. The author?s motive of writing this novel is to bring out the tough life of IT with a intriguing mix of suspense, thrill, monotony, office politics, and a colourful romance. It is accentuated with the technical terminology used when describing the projects in office and the discussions shown in office meetings. The protagonist Manav happens to be in the forefront in all the investigation along with the Inspector. How he and his team cope with the situation and continue with work in spite of the pressure that is building up is commendable. All in all it?s a perfect fiction read!
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